Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok ok, apparently I don't keep my promises very well. Sorry. So, I'm still totally uninspired to do my big Christmas post, so I'm going to cheat and include the link on here for all of our Christmas pictures that I posted on Facebook. You don't have to have an account to access them. Hope you enjoy and I'll include "doing more frequent blog posts" on my list of New Years resolutions. :)

Here you go:


Unknown said...

I can't blame you for not doing your post yet, I looked at the pictures you put on Facebook and to quote Scout "oh my goodness gracious"! You guys had a busy Christmas Eve and Day! I don't know how you did all that in essentially one day! It would be a tough post to comment on all your billion activities! It looks like you had a lot of fun with everyone. Thank you for that link to your photos, I enjoyed looking at them!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Thanks,Andrea! Ya, when I saw that we had over 150 pics from Christmas I was just too overwhelmed to know where to start! Facebook is WAY easier to upload pictures I chose that route! Looking forward to see YOUR Christmas pics soon too! :)

the splendid life of us... said...

I hate facebook, I can't figure it out and it is stealing all of my blogging friends! Oh well!

Very cute pics of Christmas!